Fourth Sunday in Lent
9:15 am: Adult Education
9:30 am: Choir Rehearsal
10:30 am: Combined Holy Eucharist Rite II – Fr. Hicks
11:45 am: Coffee Hour
5:30 pm: Youth
11:00 am: Feeding Program / Clothes Closet
8:00 am: ECM Breakfast at Corner Café
6:00 pm: Prayer Bead Ministry
6:30 pm: Bible / Book Study
11:30 am: Prayer Bead Ministry
12:15 pm: Holy Eucharist and Healing
6:00 pm: Evening Prayer / Lenten Dinner / Program
10:00 am: Bible Study
11:00 am: Food Closet / Knitters
5:30 pm: Saturday Eucharist.
8:00 pm: AA Meeting
8:00 am: Holy Eucharist, Rite I – Fr. Hicks
9:15 am: Adult Education
9:30 am: Choir Rehearsal
10:30 am: Holy Eucharist, Rite II – Fr. Hicks
11:45 am: Coffee Hour
5:30 pm: Youth
RESERVE SACRAMENT VIGIL The Reserve Sacrament Vigil begins immediately following the Maundy Thursday service and continues through noon on Good Friday. This is the time of Jesus’ betrayal, arrest, trial, and crucifixion. We need people to sit with the Reserve Sacrament throughout the night. There is a sign-up sheet in Trinity Hall for you to choose times you would be willing to participate.
READERS EXCHANGE We have here at the church some of those “readers” or “cheaters” glasses. If you have some you are not using, need some, or just want something different, come by and check them out. Just ask Susie where they are.
COMBINED ECW AND ST. ANNE’S MEETING ECW and St. Anne’s will meet on April 23rd at 1:00 pm at the home of Lynn Fury-Prather.
REMINDER The rubrics on page 407 of the BCP state “While the people are coming forward to receive Communion, the celebrant receives the Sacrament in both kinds.” Please come forward to receive communion while I am receiving and communing the others serving about the alter. Thank you, Fr. Paul.
LENTEN DINNERS Lenten covered dish dinners continue each Wednesday with Evening Prayer at 6:00 p.m. A short program by Becky Mattis-Stump will follow each week. This week’s dinner will be hosted by the ECW. There is a sign-up sheet in Trinity Hall for you to put the number of people attending and whether you’ll bring salad, entrée or dessert.
STATIONS OF THE CROSS DINNERS Stations of the Cross is at 5:30. Immediately following we go to dinner. All are welcome! Please Let the church know by Thursday if you plan to go to dinner. This week’s dinner is at Sixpence Lounge on 7th Street in Parkersburg.
VOLUNTEER TRANSPORTATION NETWORK The VA Medical enter in Clarksburg is urgently seeking drivers for their Volunteer Transportation Network. Drivers are needed to transport Veterans to Clarksburg, Morgantown, Parsons, and Sutton. Information is at