This Week @ Trinity 10.04.20

Eighteenth Sunday After Pentecost
Here at Trinity
We exist to love God and our neighbors!

8:00 am – Holy Eucharist Rite I – Father Hicks
10:30 am – Holy Eucharist Rite II – Father Hicks
2:00 pm – Blessing of the Animals – Trinity Paring Lot
Masks and Physical Distancing

11:00 am – Feeding Program

10:00 am – Clergy Bible Study (Conference Room)

11:45 am – Prayer Beads in person in Nave or via Zoom
12:15 pm – Holy Eucharist with Healing in person in Nave or via Zoom & Phone

9:00 am – Bible Study via Zoom
10:00 am – Diocesan Clergy Gathering via Zoom


5:30 – Holy Eucharist Rite III – Fr. Hicks

8:00 am – Holy Eucharist Rite I – Father Hicks
10:30 am – Holy Eucharist Rite II – Father Hicks

November 1 – Annual Meeting
The Annual meeting will be held in the Nave starting approximately 11:30
You can attend in person (reservation required), by Zoom (email Fr. Paul for the code) or conference call (1-800-689-9374)


Reservations – We still need to make reservations for our services to ensure that no one is turned away because they are full.  They must be made by noon on Thursday.   If you want to come to church, please call.  We can add another service if it is needed. For the past few weeks the 10:30 am service has been full. We still have room at the 8:00 am service and are opening back up the 5:30 service on a trial basis in October.

Tithes and Offerings – Thank you for your loyal giving during these times that allow us to continue our ministries. Alms basins are on the front row.

Fall Outreach Opportunities – In October we will be raising money for the Thanksgiving outreach. Linda Bennett has offered to help identify families in need, and we will supply a full Thanksgiving meal for them. In addition we will be raising money for the Church Periodical Club. For example, the CPC provides “Forward Day By Day” periodicals to the Woman’s Prison, and our seminarians are given book grants of $250 per semester. Finally, we will begin collecting for the Christmas Personal Care packets for the Christmas Outreach with Good Shepherd. See the October Times for more information.

We are family – Keep everyone in your thoughts, prayers, and communications.

Birthdays and Anniversaries
Birthdays: Sue Palmer, Mitchell Wagner, Joe Smith, Olivia Parsons, Amy Warren, Michael Cameron, Michael Shaw.
Anniversaries: Bev & Steve Reger, Joy & John Brownfield

The Altar Flowers are given in Honor of our Military, both active and retired, and in Thanksgiving to all First Responders and Health Care Workers by Betty Earl and Lora McGregor.