This Week @ Trinity 04.23.17

We Welcome to Trinity Church all of our Visitors Today.

We pray your visit with us is a blessed one




8:00 am: Holy Eucharist – Fr. Hicks

9:15 am:  Sunday School / Adult Eduation / Choir Rehearsal

10:30 am: Holy Eucharist  – Fr. Hicks

11:45 am: Coffee Hour

5:45 pm:  Movie Night


11:00 am: Feeding Program 

11:00 am: Clothes Closet (11:00 am – 1:00 pm)

5:45 pm:  Finance Committee

6:30 pm:  Vestry


8:00 am: MOT Breakfast at The Corner Café


11:00 am:  Food Closet

12:15 pm: Holy Eucharist with Healing


10:00 am: Bible Study

11:00 am: Food Closet

1:00 pm:  Worship Committee Meeting


Fyne Junque Sale – 8:00 3:00 and 6:00 – 8:00


Fyne Junque Sale –  8:00 – 1:00

8:30 am:  DOK Book Study at Panera

8:00 pm:  AA


8:00 am: Holy Eucharist Rite I – Fr. Hicks

9:15 am:  Sunday School /  Adult Education / Choir Rehearsal

10:30 am: Holy Eucharist Rite II – Fr. Hicks

11:45 am:  Coffee Hour


HOSTS NEEDED – An Episcopal Youth Choir out of Charlotte, NC contacted us and asked if we could help host the kids if they did a concert here in Parkersburg.  They want to send at least two kids to each house.  The date is June 15, 2017.

MOVIE NIGHT – Tonight is Movie Night and the movie is Risen. Food will be served at 5:45 p.m. and the movie will begin at 6:00 p.m. Please invite your friends and you may bring snacks to share.

 FYNE JUNQUE SALE – April 28th – 8 am to 3 pm and 6 pm to 8 pm (evening hours are part of downtownpkb event: Merchants and Artists Walk) April 29th – 8 am to 1 pm. Lunch will be available. Please continue to bring in items to be sold and be ready to volunteer your time to help.

RELAY FOR LIFE – The Relay for Life is May 18 & 19 (an overnighter). For those that want to be on the Trinity team, Hamp’s Helpers, you may either go online to sign up or see Susie for a paper registration form.  Also, if anyone has a camper that we could use (it has been known to be cold & rainy), it would be much appreciated.  Last year we had a gazebo tent, but it doesn’t keep out wind & rain and many of the tents blew over.

APRIL DONATION ENVELOPES – CASA is a program where trained court appointed volunteers represent the best interest of an abused or neglected child for whom placement is being determined by the court. Volunteer, make a contribution or donate your expertise.

SUPPER CLUB – There will be no Supper Club for the month of April.

BOOK SORTING – Book sorting begins Wednesday, May 3rd at 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. and will continue each Wednesday. Any time you can volunteer will be greatly appreciated.

GRADUATION – Graduation season is fast approaching. If you have a family member who is graduating from high school or college this year, please call Susie and give her the name and school from which they will be graduating.