Where do I begin to say thank you? In the last couple of weeks while my mom was in the hospital and upon her passing, everyone has been so nice, loving, and helpful. All the prayers, well wishes, condolences, food, hugs and other assistance was a God send during this time of need. I can’t begin to thank you all enough or tell you how much it meant to feel God’s love from my church family. Also, thank you to all of those that pitched in and made sure the church work kept getting done. And not just the routine but the extra events like the kids choir from North Carolina. Our DRE, Tiffany, stepped in as I was running out the door to the hospital and took over the responsibilities with very little direction. The meals were a huge success. So my thanks to everyone that pitched in. From the generous donation of the Mr. Bee products and other food items, the cooks and others that helped to prepare, serve and clean up the meals to the families that hosted the kids overnight, everyone was awesome! I am so proud of all of you. Looking forward to this summer please remember that we have Vacation Bible Study going on each Wednesday night from June 28 through July 26. We are participating with First Lutheran Church and our Sister Church, Good Shepherd. There is also an adult education component that everyone is invited to attend. We are having clergy from other denominations such as Episcopal, Lutheran, Roman Catholic and others to talk a little about their beliefs and practices and how we can find common ground with each other. Even if you can’t make all of them, please come for the ones you can. Trinity will also be in charge of dinner for July 19, so again Tiffany and I are looking for volunteers for the dinner as well as the VBS programs.
Don’t forget I will be helping out with Family Camp on July 9 – July 15. If you are not coming to camp, please keep me in your prayers. Plans are progressing with the parking lot. We are looking into the paving and landscaping. We are planning to add a sign and fencing that are complimentary with those that are around the old Rectory. I hope to see progress during the month of July. But rest assured there is a lot of thought and effort going into this project. You can see we have a lot of exciting things happening. Please, come and be a part of what God is doing here at Trinity, and as always, bring a friend.
God bless you one and all,
Father Paul+