We Welcome to Trinity Church all of our Visitors Today.
We pray your visit with us is a blessed one
8:00 am: Holy Eucharist Rite I- Fr. Hicks
9:00 am: Confirmation Class
9:15 am: Sunday School / Choir Practice
10:30 am: Holy Eucharist Rite II- Fr. Hicks
11:45 am: Coffee Hour
11:00 am: Feeding Program
5:45 pm: Finance Committee
6:30 pm: Vestry
8:00 am: MOT Breakfast at The Corner Café
7:00 pm: Choir Practice
11:00 am: Food Closet
12:15 pm: Holy Eucharist with Healing
10:00 am: Bible Study
11:00 am: Food Closet
6:00 pm: Blennerhassett Stamp Society
8:30 am: DOK Book Study @ Panera
8:00 pm: AA
8:00 am: Morning Prayer Rite I – Paul Miller
9:15 am: Sunday School / Choir Rehearsal
10:30 am: Morning Prayer Rite I – Paul Miller
11:45 am: Coffee Hour
5:45 pm: Movie Night (Narnia – The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe)
STEWARDSHIP – The final verses of Act 2 paint a beautiful picture of an active faith community. In those closing words, we discover a group of believers who not only came together to worship, but also experienced everyday life together. For those of us who have connected to Trinity, we know how important it is to have each other. Sadly, less than half of our friends and neighbors in Wood County regularly connect with a faith community. As we enter 2018, we plan to enhance our outreach efforts so we can help others find the strength we find in the Trinity family. Please consider committing your time, money, and prayers to this endeavor
TRINITY YOUTH – Sunday, November 19th the Trinity youth will get together after the 10:30 church service to fill baskets of food for needy families for Thanksgiving followed by a lesson on making cake doughnuts with Chuck Guyer. There will be decorating and eating for all. Hope to see all Trinity youth at this event. Call Terry Shaw if you have any questions at 304-916-5281.
BROWN BAG SUNDAY – Today is Brown Bag Sunday. Brown grocery bags with a list of needed items are available for you to take home. Shop for items using the list and return the bags next Sunday (Harvest Sunday) along with your pledge cards.
ADVENT WORKSHOP – First Lutheran will once again be hosting an Advent Workshop on Sunday, December 3rd from 4-6pm. This is a family event but also many of our widows and others without families enjoy the craft making as well. The Advent workshop is an afternoon of making crafts that help us to enjoy and experience the Advent season. We will be making advent wreaths, nativity candles, angels, and a few other items. There is no cost and a hot dog dinner will be provided after we finish crafting. If you would like to participate please contact Tiffany Deem by November 30.
- November 18 – Funeral for Olive Smith (2:00 p.m.)
- November 19 – 26 – Fr. Paul on vacation
- December 3 – Bishop Mark’s Visit (Confirmations at 8:00 and 10:30)
- December 6 – Divine Mercy Chaplet Prayer Service Begins
- December 7&8: Frank Runyeon Christian dramas (3½ Stories of Christmas & Sermon on the Mount) Smoot Theater.
- December 15 &1 6 – Christmas Giveaway