This Week @ Trinity 11.25.18

We Welcome to Trinity Church all of our Visitors Today.

We pray your visit with us is a blessed one




8:00 am:  Holy Eucharist Rite I – Fr. Bennett

9:15 am:  Sunday School

9:30 am:  Choir Rehearsal

10:30 am: Holy Eucharist Rite II – Fr. Bennett

11:45 am:  Coffee Hour

5:30 pm:   Youth


11:00 am: Feeding Program / Clothes Closet


8:00 am: ECM Breakfast at Corner Café

6:00 pm:  Prayer Bead Ministry (Adams Chapel)

6:30 pm:  Bible / Book Study


10:00 am:  Food Closet

11:30 am:  Prayer Bead Ministry (Adams Chapel)




5:30 pm:  Saturday Evening Eucharist, Rite II – Fr. Hicks

8:00 pm:  AA Meeting


8:00 AM:  Holy Eucharist, Rite I – Fr. Hicks

9:15 am:  Sunday School

9:30 am:  Choir Rehearsal

10:30 am: Holy Eucharist, Rite II – Fr. Hicks

11:45 am:  Coffee Hour

5:30 pm:  Youth


ST. ANNE’S CHRISTMAS BRUNCH  – The annual St Anne’s Christmas Brunch will be held Sunday, December 9 at the home of Paula Sellers, 1115 Blennerhassett Avenue, Belpre. All members, present, past, and future are cordially invited, along with their guests. This traditional Christmas gathering will start with social time at noon and lunch at 1:00. Ham and beverages will be provided. You can bring a favorite dish to share. Please RSVP to Paula at 740.423.7815.

PICTURE DIRECTORY – Since we have several new faces at Trinity, we would like to update our picture directory. If you don’t have a picture in the current directory, or if you would like to update your current picture, we can arrange a time to have your picture taken. You can also drop one by the office, or you can email one to Copies of the directory are available in the Library and the Narthex.

CHRISTMAS GIVEAWAY – The Christmas Giveaway is fast approaching and help with the event will be needed. Volunteers are needed Thursday, December 13th from 6:00 – 8:00 to set up tables and put out clothing. December 14th is the day of the giveaway and help will be needed beginning at 1:00 p.m. to prepare. The event is from 4:00-8:00. Contact Pat Westbrook or Geni Gallagher to help or get additional information. Several people will be needed to assist.

ADOPTED FAMILIES PROJECT – Again, this year, Trinity will be aiding the “Adopted Families” project sponsored by Good Shepherd by providing 75 Personal Care Packages. There is a list of items needed in a jumbo zip bag and we ask that you take at least one to fill. We have found that The Dollar Tree in the Park Shopping Plaza is the best place to buy these items. The bags are on the front pews in the Nave.

TRINITY ADVENT DEVOTIONAL – Today is the last day to turn in your devotional submission to be included in our Advent devotional book. You could write a short devotion and/or prayer, send us your favorite Bible verse, hymn, or poem and tell us why it is meaningful to you, preferably with the theme of Advent, preparation, and anticipation. Please turn in your submission today.

SOLDIER CARE PACKAGES – As part of his Eagle Scout project, Nikolas Cameron is collecting items to include in care packages to send to military personnel deployed over seas. There is a list of items needed, and items that are prohibited, as an inset in your bulletin. There is also a wish list on Amazon to make it easier. You may call 740-706-4663 with any questions.