This Week @ Trinity 01.27.19

We Welcome to Trinity Church all of our Visitors Today.

We pray your visit with us is a blessed one




8:00 am:  Holy Eucharist Rite I – Fr. Hicks

9:15 am:  Adult Education

9:30 am:  Choir Rehearsal

10:30 am: Holy Eucharist Rite II – Fr. Hicks

11:45 am:  Coffee Hour

5:30 pm:   Youth


11:00 am: Feeding Program / Clothes Closet


8:00 am: ECM Breakfast at Corner Café

6:00 pm:  Prayer Bead Ministry (Adams Chapel)

6:30 pm:  Bible / Book Study 


11:30 am:  Prayer Bead Ministry (Adams Chapel)

12:15 pm:  Holy Eucharist and Healing

7:00 pm:  Choir Rehearsal


10:00 am:  Bible Study

10:30 am:  Food Closet



5:30 pm:  Saturday Evening Eucharist, Rite III – Fr. Hicks

8:00 pm:  AA Meeting


8:00 AM:  Holy Eucharist, Rite I – Fr. Hicks

9:15 am:  Sunday School  / Adult Ed. – Advent: The Way of Love

9:30 am:  Choir Rehearsal

10:30 am: Holy Eucharist, Rite II – Fr. Hicks

11:45 am:  Coffee Hour

5:30 pm:  Youth


RENEWAL OF WEDDING VOWS  – We will be offering couples the chance to re-affirm their wedding vows after the peace on Sunday, February 10 at the 10:30 service. Please let Fr. Paul know if you would like to take part.

GIVING STATEMENTS – Several year-end giving statements are still on the sofa table in the Memorial Library. Please look for yours so we don’t have to mail them.

QUIET DAY – The Daughters of the King at Good Shepherd are hosting a Quiet Day on March 23rd. All women of the church are invited to attend. Sister Jean from Belpre will be the leader, and the theme is Compassion. It begins at 9:00 am and will end at noon with a box lunch. Contact Linda Bennett @ 304-295-9073 so that Sister Jean can determine the amount of materials needed.

FIRST FIVE – This is a friendly reminder for you to take the first five minutes following the dismissal to greet someone in the service that you don’t know and make them feel welcome.

ALTAR FLOWER SIGN UP – There is a new altar flower sign up sheet on the bulletin board in Trinity Hall. Please be sure to let Susie know how you would like it listed in the bulletin.


The Trinity Talent Show will be back as the entertainment following the Lasagna Dinner on February 13 at 6:00 pm. Do you juggle? dance? sing? tell jokes? recite poetry? play an instrument? do impressions? magic tricks? We’re looking for acts of about 3-5 minutes each, although they could certainly be shorter. And if your act includes a friend who doesn’t attend Trinity, that’s fine, too. Get in touch with Barbara Full (304-482-8604) and tell her what you’re planning.