We welcome to Trinity Church all our visitors today.
We pray your visit with us is a blessed one.
8:00 am: Holy Eucharist Rite I – Fr. Hicks
9:00 am: Adult Education
9:30 am: Choir Rehearsal
10:30 am: Holy Eucharist Rite II – Fr. Hicks
11:45 am: Coffee Hour (Terry Cauthorn Reception)
5:30 pm: Youth
11:00 am: Feeding Program
8:00 am: ECM Breakfast at Corner Café
6:00 pm: Prayer Bead Ministry
6:30 pm: Bible / Book Study
10:00 am: Book Sorting Begins
11:30 am: Prayer Bead Ministry
12:15 pm: Holy Eucharist and Healing
7:00 pm: Choir Rehearsal
10:00 am: Bible Study
11:00 am: Food Closet / Knitters
6:00 pm: Blennerhassett Stamp Society
TBD – Al-Anon
8:00 am: Greek Orthodox Service (Nave)
5:30 pm: Holy Eucharist Rite III – Fr. Hicks
8:00 pm: AA Meeting
8:00 am: Holy Eucharist Rite I – Fr. Hicks
9:15 am: Adult Education
9:30 am: Choir Rehearsal
10:30 am: Holy Eucharist, Rite II – Fr. Hicks
11:45 am: Coffee Hour
5:30 pm: Youth
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL VBS – is being offered by 1st Lutheran Church (19th street) again this year. The dates are June 2-7 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 pm. The program includes ages 3 to 11 or 12. I need to know if we have any interests, kids and adults by Tuesday afternoon, May 7, to decide as to whether we will commit this year or not. Please let me know asap if you are interested. Older kids are welcome to help. Thank you, Fr. Paul.
FIRST FIVE – This is a friendly reminder for you to take the first five minutes following the dismissal to greet someone in the service that you don’t know and make them feel welcome.
REMINDER – The rubrics on page 407 of the BCP state “While the people are coming forward to receive Communion, the celebrant receives the Sacrament in both kinds.” Please come forward to receive communion while I am receiving and communing the others serving about the altar. Thank you, Fr. Paul.
GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH SERVICES – The Greek Orthodox Church from Belpre will be worshiping in our church while their church is renovated this summer. The services are scheduled for Saturdays at 8:00 a.m. We welcome our brothers and sisters in Christ, and I ask you to be considerate of their worship services when they are present. Fr. Paul.
LISTENING MINDS, OPEN HEARTS RETREAT – The Diocesan Commission on Spirituality invites you to attend “Listening Hearts, Open Minds” May 10-11 at Bishop Hodges’ Retreat Center in Huttonsville. The retreat, led by Father Brian Shoda, will teach participants how to have deeper and more meaningful relationships with God and others. See Fr. Paul for additional information.
LUTHER GOLF LEAGUE – The Luther Golf League will have a dinner/organization meeting at Worthington Golf Club Monday, May 6 at 6:00 p.m. If you would like to bring a salad, vegetable, or dessert to share, that would be great. Spouses and children are invited. League play will begin Monday, May 13 at 5:00 p.m.
ROOF REPLACEMENT – The Rectory/Office Building roof and gutter replacement project has been completed. The slate roof repair and conference room roof replacement are being considered for this summer. Both projects are considered priorities by the Building, Grounds, and Décor Committee.