Revised Covid Protocols
Trinity Episcopal Church
August 2021
“We do these things out of love and for the protection of each other.”
With the Covid 19 numbers on the rise again in West Virginia and here in Wood County, especially the new delta variant, I believe it is prudent to take some precautions that will both protect our church family and find a way to keep the church doors open. As the tag line above says, “we do these things out of love and for the protection of each other.” I know that there are multiple legitimate opinions on what might best be done, but we have to find a way to strike a balance and respect our differences. We are one in the body of Christ.
Of course, the Bishop may issue new protocols. But until then, I am asking the Vestry and all of you to join with me in implementing the following protocols:
If Wood County is orange according to the Harvard color map system:
- The CDC recommends wearing masks indoors. Therefore, masks are recommended but not required. Everyone’s choice is to be respected.
- We need to be vigilant about maintaining social distancing.
- Readers and the Officiant can remove masks to read and officiate when distanced from others.
- We can still sing (but remember masks are recommended).
- Every other pew is closed.
- Hand sanitizer is available and encouraged at the entrances.
- Vestry meetings, Bible Study, Knitters can still be in person. If required for social distance, larger groups are encouraged to meet in Trinity Hall.
If Wood County is Red according to the Harvard color map system:
- Everyone is required to wear masks.
- Maintain social distancing. No gathering in groups before, during or after service.
- We will close the Altar rail – The host will be delivered at foot of chancel steps. The Officiant will be masked to deliver the host. Ushers will release each pew. Please maintain your social distance. Family members who are sitting together may come forward for communion together.
- Readers and officiant can remove masks to read and officiate when distanced from others.
- Until the Bishop says otherwise, singing will continue as long as everyone is wearing masks. We can also have a soloist, and up to a quartet can sing but must be socially distanced and masked.
- Every other pew is closed. (We will consider closing a second pew).
- Hand sanitizer is available and encouraged at the entrances.
- No Physical passing of the peace or greetings.
- Alms basin will be placed on the front pew.
- Suspend extracurricular activities (Men’s breakfast, Knitters, DOK or ECW gatherings, etc. {AA}).
- Bible study and Vestry is zoom only.
- Minimize visitors to the building and they must be masked. Staff can choose not to wear a mask in their office or among other staff if everyone agrees.
As I said, my goal is to continue to worship in as safe of an environment as possible for everyone. I also want to create protocols that can remain consistent so we can implement them as needed and then reduce them as soon as possible. We don’t necessarily have to get back to green to reverse all of these. We just need to be trending down. But red is red.
Please keep our church and everyone in your prayers. Also, don’t hesitate to reach out to fellow parishioners you have not seen in a while. It is important to stay in touch. With God’s help we will get through all of this.
Thank you and God Bless each and every one of you.
Fr. Paul+