To the glory of God and in Thanksgiving for:
For the loving, prayerful, supportive Trinity Parishioners by The Rev. Larry and Jean Jackson
For the men and women serving in our Armed Forces, past and present by Bob and Edith Newman
Our many blessings by Harriett and George DeHoff
For family and friends, and for the ministry of Fr. Larry and Jean Jackson to Trinity by Susie Fitcher
For all my loving family and friends by Ellsmore Northrup
For our children and grandchildren by Barbara and Bill Bailey
For John David Belasco and Bessie Rice Belasco by John Reed Belasco
For all our blessings by Charles and Stephanie Yates
For all our blessings by Bob and Linda Brantner
Harry T. Palmer, Vesta Palmer, Nolan R. Miracle, Jennie Miracle, Annalea Miracle and Clyde Miracle by Herbert and Sue Palmer
To the glory of God and in Loving Memory of:
Joyce Vincent, Sondra Oesterle, Mr. & Mrs. Willard Vincent, & Mr. & Mrs. Waid Ritenour by Gary Vincent
Margaret Ann Ritter and Irvin J. K. Ritter by their son David R. Ritter
To the glory of God and in Loving Memory of:
Mildred A. Jackson & M. H. Keith, Fr. Larry’s Mother & Jean’s Father by The Rev. Larry and Jean Jackson
Kathleen H. Adams, Douglas H. Adams, & Mary Lou Hague by Richard and Liza Adams & Family
Edward P. McKown by Dr. Raymond W. S. Lowther
Jack Edmund Smith and Norman Murray by their family
Thomas A. Craft, Margaret Caldwell, & William Smith by Barbara Craft and Margaret Burdette
John D. “Jack” Hoblitzell, Jr., Charlotte R. Hoblitzell Muse, and Paul and Hazel Matheny by Mike and Julie Matheny
Mike Button by Julie Button
Mary Jo Zipf and George Zipf by Allan Zipf
Garrett Hoskins, Dave Couch, and Hester Flegal by the Couch Family
Ted Reppen, Teal Reppen, Ann Reppen, Carty Ramsay and Eleanor Ramsay by Dennis and Joan Ramsay
Boyd and Garnett Thomas and John and Pearl Kohut by Dan and Margie Thomas
Carl and Myrtha McCartney Morris, and J. Virgil and Virginia Stephens Full by Jim and Barbara Full