We Welcome to Trinity Church all of our Visitors Today.
We pray your visit with us is a blessed one
8:00 am: Holy Eucharist – Fr. Hicks
9:15 am: Sunday School / Adult Education / Choir Rehearsal
10:30 am: Holy Eucharist – Fr. Hicks
11:45 am: Coffee Hour
5:45 pm: Family Movie Night – Singing With Angels
11:00 am: Feeding Program
11:00 am: Clothes Closet
8:00 am: MOT Breakfast at The Corner Café
11:00 am: Food Closet
12:15 pm: Holy Eucharist with Healing – Fr. Hicks
7:30 pm: Choir Rehearsal
10:00 am: Bible Study
11:00 am: Food Closet
6:00 pm: Blennerhassett Stamp Society
6:30 pm: Supper Club @ Gyongyosi Home
8:00 pm: AA
8:00 am: Holy Eucharist – Fr. Hicks
9:15 am: Sunday School / Adult Education / Choir Rehearsal
10:30 am: Holy Eucharist – Fr. Hicks
11:45 am: Coffee Hour
3:00 pm: Game Night
5:30 pm: Dinner
CHURCH DIRECTORIES are available in the Memorial Library. Look for the one with your name on it. In addition, electronic PDF versions are available. If you wish to have a PDF version contact Jim Full at news@trinity-church.org.
MEN’S BREAKFAST – The Trinity Men’s group will have a breakfast at the church, on January 21, 2017 at 8:00 a.m. All men and boys of the church are invited and encouraged to attend.
ADULT EDUCATION – The Adult education class has begun an Inquirers Class for anyone who wants to know more about the Episcopal Church, and what we believe. Even if you attended the Confirmation class last fall, you will likely enjoy the refresher at a much slower pace. Please come and join us to learn more. Also, if you have an idea for a Lenten study please share those with Fr. Paul as soon as possible.
JANUARY SUPPER CLUB will be on Friday, January 20th at the home of Julie and Tom Gyongyosi. Please mark your calendar, and give Julie a call to let her know you will attend, and what you will be bringing.
FAMILY GAME DAY will be on Sunday, January 22nd, at 3:00 p.m., with dinner of chili and baked potato bar at 5:30 p.m. Bring a favorite game or just come and have fun.
TIMES DEADLINE – The Times deadline is Friday, January 20th. Please have anything you would like to have included in the February issue to Barbara Full by that date. fullhouse@suddenlink.net
OUTREACH ENVELOPES – The money from the outreach envelopes for January will be used to support Habitat for Humanity of the Mid-Ohio Valley. The money is used to build simple, decent and affordable housing for those who would not otherwise be able to afford a home.