This Week @ Trinity 01.31.21

Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany
Here at Trinity we exist
to love God and our neighbors!

10:30 am – Holy Eucharist Rite II via Facebook Live – Father Hicks

11:00 am – Feeding Program

10:00 am – Clergy Bible Study (Conference Room)

11:45 am: Prayer beads via Zoom
12:15 pm: Holy Eucharist via Zoom and phone
4:00 pm: Stewardship and Budget Committee Meeting via Zoom

9:00 am: Bible Study via Zoom
10:00 am: Diocese Clergy Gathering via Zoom
11:00 am: Knitters



10:30 am – Holy Eucharist Rite II via Facebook Live – Fr. Hicks


RED ZONE PROTOCOL – In the event Wood Co. is in the red zone per the Harvard Covid 19 map, there will be no in-person services that week. We will re-evaluate on Tue. The one call system will be used to disseminate information.

Lenton Letter – With Ash Wednesday fast approaching and since we not yet back to in person church services, Father Paul is working on a Lenton Letter, along with some resources, that he will send out to everyone with guidance on how we can all enter into a Holy Lent this year. It should go out early this week, so you will have it well before Lent begins. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call Fr. Paul.

CPC Quilt Fundraiser – The Church Periodical Club is an independent affiliated organization of the Executive Council of the Episcopal Church, dedicated to the ministry of the written word, providing materials, both religious and secular, to children and adults both here and all over the world through grants. In these challenging times, the CPC is looking at new ways to raise funds and is holding an online quilt raffle. Visit to purchase tickets.

Tythes and Offerings – Thank you for your loyal giving during these times that allow us to continue our ministries

We are Family – Keep everyone in your thoughts, prayers, and communications.

Birthdays and Anniversaries:
Birthdays: (M) Monique Cameron; (W) John Brownfield; (TH) Justin Warren; (F) Pamela McGraw, Andrew Patrick

Altar Flowers – are given to the Glory of God.