Second Sunday in Lent
Here at Trinity we exist
to love God and our neighbors!
8:00 am – Holy Eucharist Rite I – Father Hicks
10:30 am – Holy Eucharist Rite I (Facebook Live) – Father Hicks
11:00 am – Feeding Program
10:00 am – Clergy Bible Study (Conference Room)
One call will announce status of upcoming in-person services
11:45 am – Prayer Beads (Zoom)
12:15 pm – Holy Eucharist with Healing (Zoom)
9:00 am – Bible Study via Zoom
10:00 am – Diocese Clergy Gathering via Zoom
11:00 am – Knitters
5:00 pm – Stations of the Cross (Zoom)
5:30 pm – Holy Eucharist Rite I – Fr. Hicks
8:00 am – Holy Eucharist Rite I – Fr. Hicks
10:30 am – Holy Eucharist Rite I (Facebook Live) – Fr. Hicks
RESERVATIONS – We need to make reservations to ensure that no one is turned away because the services are full. Reservations should be made by noon on Thursday. If you want to come to church, please call. We can always consider adding another service if it is needed.
RED ZONE PROTOCOL – In the event Wood Co. is in the red zone per the Harvard Covid 19 map, there will be no in-person services that week. We will re-evaluate on Tue. The one call system will be used to disseminate information.
Tythes and Offerings – Thank you for your loyal giving during these times that allow us to continue our ministries. If you use a credit card that awards miles or points (and even if you don’t) consider making your pledge payments through the portal on the Episcopal Diocese of West Virginia webpage. ( At the left at the bottom of the home page is a box headed “E-giving”. Clicking on this box takes you to a page with many opportunities for giving, but for our purposes you want scroll and click on “Parkersburg Trinity” in the right column. Any transaction fees will be paid by the diocese, so Trinity will receive 100% of your gift.
We are Family – Keep everyone in your thoughts, prayers, and communications.
Birthdays and Anniversaries:
Birthdays: (F) Connie Bookman; (SA) Paula Oliphant, Alexander Wagner.
Altar Greens – are given to the Glory of God