Sixth Sunday of Easter
Mother’s Day
Here at Trinity we exist
to love God and our neighbors!
8:00 am – Holy Eucharist Rite I – Father Hicks
10:30 am – Holy Eucharist Rite II (Facebook Live) – Father Hicks
11:00 am – Feeding Ministry
3:00 pm – Personnel Meeting
10:00 am – Clergy Bible Study
11:45 am – Prayer Beads Ministry
12:15 pm – Holy Eucharist with Healing
9:00 am – Bible Study via Zoom (in person?)
10:00 am – Diocese Clergy Gathering via Zoom
5:30 pm – Holy Eucharist Rite III – Fr. Hicks
8:00 am – Holy Eucharist Rite I – Fr. Hicks
10:30 am – Holy Eucharist Rite II (Facebook Live) – Fr. Hicks
4:00 pm – Violin Recital
RESERVATIONS – Assume we are having in-person services until further notices. If that changes the One-Call Now system will be used to disseminate information. We still need to make reservations for our services to ensure that proper preparation is accomplished. Reservations should be made by noon on Thursday.
We are family – Keep everyone in your thoughts, prayers and communications.
Ministry Scheduler Pro (MSP)- We are planning to begin using the MSP program again this spring. We used it the first quarter of 2020 to schedule all our ministries (lectors, ushers, altar guild, lay eucharistic ministers, greeters, etc.). This program allowed everyone to go online and mark their preferences for dates and times of when they wanted to serve. We will be updating the program for any new volunteers. If there is a ministry you are interested in, please let Julie know. The first email you get will let you know when the deadline is to update your preferences before the first schedule is established. If you need help to locate your usernames and passwords or update any preferences, Julie will be happy to assist you.
Ushers and Lectors Needed – As our services open up and more people are attending, additional ushers and lectors are needed. If you are willing to serve in one of these ministries, please contact the office.
Peterkin – Although we cannot have in-person camps this year due to the pandemic, Peterkin is still offering a variety of exciting activities that can be done from your home. Click on the Camp-in-a-Box logo in the first block at the top of the Peterkin home page to check out this summer’s fun. Use Peterkin link on the Trinity home page! (or
Daughters of the King and Friends Tea – A tea will be held at the Parkesburg Country Club on Sat., May 29th. from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm. The cost is twenty dollars per person. To make reservations for this event, please call Diana Quick at 304-482-2771.