This Week @ Trinity 05.22.16

We Welcome to Trinity Church all of our Visitors Today.

We pray your visit with us is a blessed one




8:00 am: Holy Eucharist – Fr. Hicks

9:15 am: Adult Education / Choir Rehearsal

10:15 am: Sunday School

10:30 am: Holy Eucharist – Fr. HIcks

11:45 am: Coffee Hour

5:45 pm:  Family Movie Night


11:00 am: Feeding Program

12:00 pm: Clothes Closet


8:00 am: MOT Breakfast at The Corner Cafe


10:00 am:  Book Sorting

11:00 am: Food Closet

12:15 pm: Holy Eucharist with Healing (Trevor Chapel)

5:00 pm:  Book Sorting


10:00 am: Bible Study

11:00 am: Food Closet


6:30 pm:  Supper Club


9:00 am:  DOK Book Club @ Panera

8:00 pm: AA Meeting

NEXT SUNDAY – Second Sunday of Pentecost

8:00 am: Holy Eucharist – Fr. Hicks

9:15 am: Adult Education

10:15 am: Sunday School

10:30 am: Holy Eucharist – Fr. Hicks

11:45 am: Coffee Hour


SUPPER CLUB – Supper Club for May will be at 6:30 p.m. May 27th, at the home of Katherine and Madison Brown.

 FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT is tonight. The movie will be Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Pizza will be served at 5:45 p.m. and the movie to begin about 6:10. Please bring your favorite movie snack to share and please bring a friend or friends! Popcorn will also be provided.

GRADUATE SUNDAY will be in June. We need the names of all graduates from High School and College.  The child of…, or grandchild of…, the name of the school/college from which they are graduating, and if college, the degree. Please call the office with the names.

DOOR LOCKS – We have had a rash of finding some of the doors to the church being unlocked.  Please remember if you are here after hours or are the last one leaving, check all the doors, especially in the Rectory, to make sure they are locked.

OLD FASHIONED HYMN SING – On June 12 at 5:00 p.m., we will have an old fashioned hymn sing in the Nave followed by a fried chicken dinner in Trinity Hall. Everyone is welcome.

 SUMMER CHOIR – We are looking for some volunteers for a Summer Choir.  If you are interested please see Paul Miller, who has graciously agreed to be a coordinator.  If you ever had any interest in singing, now is your chance.   Everyone is welcome.  It really is just intended to process with the priest and lead us all in singing of the hymns.  It all helps us worship God. The choir will begin singing by May 29 (If not before). No rehearsals will be necessary.

OFFICE CLOSED – The office will be closed Friday, May 27 and Monday, May 30.

CHILDREN’S MINUTE begins June 4th at the 10:30 service.  Watch for additional information to come.