This Week @ Trinity 06.01.14

We Welcome to Trinity Church all of our Visitors Today.

We pray your visit with us is a blessed one



 8:00 am    Holy Eucharist –Fr. Bennett

10:15 am    Sunday School

10:30 am     Holy Eucharist – Fr. Bennett

11:30     Coffee Hour


11:00 am     Soup Kitchen


 7:30 am     Men of Trinity Breakfast at the Churn in Belpre

10:00 am     Book Marking

6:00 pm     Blennerhassett Stamp Society


 11:00 am     Food Closet


 10:00 am     Bible Study

11:00 am     Food Closet


 No Activity


11:00 am     ECW Luncheon

8:00 pm     AA Meeting



 8:00 am     Holy Eucharist – Fr. Jackson

9:15 am     Adult Education

10:15 am     Sunday School

10:30  am     Holy Eucharist – Fr. Jackson

11:30 am     Coffee Hour


WEDNESDAY HOLY EUCHARIST SERVICES will resume at 7:30am and 12:10pm, in Adams Chapel on June 4th.

 ADULT EDUCATION will resume on Sunday, June 8th at 9:15am in the Conference Room; subject: Pentecost.

 ECW SPRING LUNCHEON will be held June 7 at 11:00am, at the Parkersburg Country Club.  All ladies of the church are invited.  Please respond to Paula Sellers by June 3rd if you plan to attend.

 JUNE CALENDAR MEETING has been moved from June 10th to June 17th.

 MEN’S GROUP BREAKFAST will be held June 21st at 8:30am in Trinity Hall.  All men of the church are invited.  Plans will be made for the pig roast at the church picnic.

 SUPPER CLUB will be Friday, June 20th at 6:30pm at Colombo’s Restaurant, hosted by Denny and Lynn Fury Prather.

 LAST CALL FOR 2014 GRADUATE HONOREES – Parents, Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles. If you have someone graduating this year please submit to the office no later than June 2nd the following information: name, parent, relationship, high school or college graduating from, degree and future plans. If you have questions, call Fr. Larry.  Senior recognition Sunday is June 8.

 BOOKMARKING on Tuesdays, at 10:00 a.m. This year’s book sale committee welcomes any amount of time that you can give them.  Training is free and easy.