We Welcome to Trinity Church all of our Visitors Today.
We pray your visit with us is a blessed one
8:00 AM: Holy Eucharist Rite I – Fr. Hicks
9:15 am: Sunday School / Adult Educations
10:30 am: Holy Eucharist Rite II – Fr. Hicks
11:45 am: Coffee Hour / Conversation with Senior Warden
3:00 pm: Evensong and High Tea
5:30 pm: Youth at McDonough Park
11:00 am: Monday Feeding Program / Clothes Closet
5:00 pm: Lutheran Golf at Worthington Golf Club
6:00 Vestry Executive Committee
8:00 am: ECM Breakfast at Corner Café
5:00 pm: Book Sorting
6:00 pm: Prayer Bead Ministry (Adams Chapel)
6:00 pm: Blennerhassett Stamp Society
6:30 pm: Bible / Book Study
10:00 am: Book Sorting / Food Closet
11:30 am: Prayer Bead Ministry (Adams Chapel)
12:15 pm: Holy Eucharist with Healing
10:00 am: Bible Study
11:00 am: Food Closet / Knitters
6:30 pm: Supper Club at Alkires
9:00 am: Work Day and Lunch
5:30 pm: Saturday Evening Eucharist, “Rite 3”
8:00 pm: AA Meeting
8:00 AM: Holy Eucharist Rite I – Fr. Hicks
9:15 am: Sunday School / Adult Educations
10:30 am: Holy Eucharist Rite II – Fr. Hicks
11:45 am: Coffee Hour
5:30 pm: Youth
SUPPER CLUB – June Supper Club will be at 6:30 p.m., Friday, June 8th at the home of Becky and John Alkire. If you plan to attend, please call them and let them know what you will bring.
GRADUATES – Graduate Sunday will be on Father’s Day, June 17. If you have someone in your family graduating from high school or college, please notify Susie with the following information: Name, (relationship to Trinity) school, date of graduation, future plans, etc. WORK DAY – Our first summer Work Day is Saturday, June 9, 2018 beginning at 9:00 a.m. Our Work Force will be shaping shrubbery and mulching, completing 2 painting projects, doing a little needed cleaning and tackling a couple of minor carpentry repairs. (Enough for 20 or more workers.) A chart is posted in Trinity Hall listing the projects, tools and materials supplied by the church and needed tools you can bring from home. You may sign-up on the chart now or walk-in and we will help you choose a project. With help from you, no project should take more than 3 hours. Lunch will be provided at 12:00 p.m. by Father Paul. See Jr. Warden Justin Warren for more details. PRAYER BEAD MINISTRY AND BOOK/BIBLE STUDY – On Tuesday, June 5th we will begin an evening Prayer Bead service as well as a Book/Bible study. The Prayer Bead service will be in Adams Chapel at 6:00 p.m. and the Book/Bible study at 6:30 p.m. in the conference room. SATURDAY EVENING SERVICES – We will be kicking off our Summer Saturday Evening Rite 3 Eucharist. It starts on June 9th at 5:30 pm. It will be a more casual and contemporary service than our regular Sunday morning services. It will feature music from the Peterkin song book and the Lift Every Voice and Sing II song book as well as other music. The music will be led by our Choir Director, Devin Sudman. Devin will play the piano and Lori Clark will play the guitar. Please consider coming to check it out and bring friends. We would especially love to have our youth and their friends join us. UPCOMING EVENTS