This Week @ Trinity 08.07.16

We Welcome to Trinity Church all of our Visitors Today.

We pray your visit with us is a blessed one




8:00 am: Holy Eucharist – Fr. HIcks

10:30 am: Holy Eucharist / Church Picnic – Fr. Hicks


11:00 am: Feeding Program

11:30 pm: Clothes Closet


8:00 am: MOT Breakfast at The Corner Cafe


10:00 am: Book Sorting

11:00 am: Food Closet

12:15 pm: Holy Eucharist with Healing (Trevor Chapel)

5:30 pm:  Actors Guild


10:00 am: Bible Study

11:00 am: Food Closet



8:30 am: DOK Book Study (Ch. 9 & 10) – Panera

8:00 pm: AA Meeting

NEXT SUNDAY – Thirteenth Sunday After Pentecost

8:00 am: Holy Eucharist – Fr. Hicks

10:15 am: Sunday School

10:30 am: Holy Eucharist – Fr. Hicks

11:45 am: Coffee Hour


MOVIE NIGHT – Movie night for August will be August 21 and will feature the movie The Last Dinosaur. As usual, pizza and popcorn will be provided and you are encouraged to bring a snack to share. We will start at 5:45 p.m. and the movie will start at 6:00 p.m. Please feel free to invite your friends.

NEW TABLES AND CHAIRS. – We hope you have had the opportunity to see the new tables in Trinity Hall.  Only the tables typically set up in the hall have been replaced.  The “extra” tables that are stored for other uses haven’t been addressed. There are also six new chairs for you to see what they are like. The cost of tables is $50.00 each and chairs are $20.00. If you would like to make a donation in any amount to allow us to purchase more tables and/or chairs it would be much appreciated.  Thanks for your consideration of the matter.

 BOOK SALE – Volunteers are needed for sorting books for the book sale. We are getting books every day and additional help is needed. Any time you can give us would be greatly appreciated.

 FOOD CLOSET – Almost 80 people have been served by the Food Closet in the last two months. This demand is a little higher than normal, but we expect it to remain steady in the coming months. Please consider helping to stock the Food Closet with canned vegetables, canned soups, baked beans, and fruit cups. Bev Reger notes that Aldi’s usually has the best prices on these items. If you prefer, feel free to give a monetary donation to Bev or the church office (mark it for the Food Closet). Thank you for helping to feed our community members!

GREENBRIER VALLEY FLOOD RELIEF – Volunteers are still working to help flood victims in our Diocese.  You can also donate through Trinity and your donation will show on your giving statement.  Just mark on your check it is for “Flood Relief”.  Every donation that we have received of prayer, time, items and money has been of tremendous help, and we thank you for your generosity.