This Week @ Trinity 10.13.19

We welcome to Trinity Church all our visitors today.
We pray your visit with us is a blessed one.

8:00 am: Holy Eucharist Rite I – Fr. Hicks
9:15 am: Christian Education
9:30 am:  Choir Rehearsal
10:30 am: Holy Eucharist Rite II – Fr. Hicks           
11:45 am: Coffee Hour

Monday –    Office Closed for Columbus Day        
11:00 am: Feeding Ministry
5:45 pm: Trustees
6:30 pm: Vestry

8:00 am: ECM Breakfast at Corner Café                
1:30 pm: St. Annes / ECW at Katherine Brown’s
5:00 pm: Book Receiving / Sorting
6:00 pm: Prayer Beads (Adams Chapel)
6:30 pm: Bible/Book Study

10:00 am: Book Sorting / Receiving
11:30 am: Prayer Beads (Adams Chapel)
12:15 pm: Holy Eucharist with Healing (Trevor Chapel)
2:30 pm: AA Meeting (Trinity Hall)

10:00 am: Bible Study
1:00 pm: Scheduling Meeting for Program / Ministry Chairs


8:00 am:  Greek Orthodox Service (Nave)
5:30 pm: Holy Eucharist Rite II – Fr. Puglese
8:00 pm: AA Meeting

8:00 am: Holy Eucharist Rite I – Fr. Puglese
9:15 am: Christian Education
9:30 am: Choir Rehearsal
10:30 am: Holy Eucharist, Rite II – Fr. Puglese
11:45 am: Coffee Hour
3:00 pm: Family Movie: Courageous


UTO – All the boxes, envelopes and money for the United Thank Offering are due today. Boxes are in the front pews. You may also put money in the blue box at the bottom of the stairs leading to the choir pews and the Altar or put UTO in the memo line if writing a check.

CPC SUNDAY – Today is Church Periodical Club Sunday. CPC is a worldwide organization that gives grants to seminarians to help defray the cost of textbooks for seminarians. Fr. Paul was recipient of a grant when he was in seminary.

BOOK SALE – Books are still being accepted, and what we need now are more volunteers to help with the sorting.

ST. ANNE’S – St Anne’s is sponsoring the Christmas Presence table during the book sale. Gently used items are needed. Items such as figurines, trinkets, Fall and Christmas decorations, and candles. Also fresh baked goods are a big hit so please plan to bring some of best recipes

ACOLYTE TRANING – There will be acolyte training for all acolytes today following the 10:30 a.m. service.

FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT – Family movie night returns in October. A little different. It is really an in-reach activity. While anyone is welcome, and we encourage you to invite others, we will not be advertising to the general public and we will not be serving a meal. On October 20 the movie will start at 3:00 pm and we will offer popcorn and lemonade or iced tea. The movie is “Courageous” and has some of the same actors as the current movie “Overcomer”. I look forward to seeing you there! Fr. Paul+

THANKSGIVING OUTREACH – Envelopes are in the bulletin to help us provide a Thanksgiving meal for needy families.