This Week @ Trinity 03.27.16

We Welcome to Trinity Church all of our Visitors Today.

We pray your visit with us is a blessed one




8:00 am: Holy Eucharist – Fr. Hicks

9:15 am: Choir Rehearsal / Adult Education

10:15 am: Sunday School

10:30 am: Festival Eucharist With Brass and Choir- Fr. Hicks

11:45 am: Coffee Hour


11:00 am: Feeding Program


8:00 am: MOT Breakfast at the Mountaineer Restaurant


11:00 am: Food Closet

12:15 pm: Holy Eucharist with Healing (Adams Chapel)


10:00 am: Bible Study

11:00 am: Food Closet



8:00 pm: AA Meeting


8:00 am: Holy Eucharist – Fr. Hicks

9:15 am: Choir Rehearsal / Adult Education

10:15 am: Sunday School

10:30 am: Holy Eucharist – Fr. Hicks

11:45 am: Coffee Hour


Office Closed – The office will be closed Monday for Easter.

FYNE JUNQUE SALE is accepting donations. The Sale will be May 6 and 7. We will store items in the left book nook and the old DRE office. [Books will be stored in the right book nook until sorted then they will be stored on the stage.]

2016 Women’s Conferenc – The theme fo the 2016 Womenc’s Conference is “The Courage to Grow Old.”  The Rev. Barbara Crafton will lead this informative and entertaining conference May 20 -22 at Peterkin in Romney.  The conference will help older participants better understand their own aging process and give young ones insight on how to deal with aging parents and grandparents.  Registration forms are in Trinity Hall  and in the Library.

Cothes Closet Ministry is accepting clothing and monetary donations

Evangalism Workshop Invite / Welcome / Connect will be held April 23, 2016, 9:00 am – 3:00 pm, at the Memorial Church of the Good Shepherd in Parkersburg.   Pary Parmer, a nationally acclaimed Episcopal speaker on Evangelism and Newcomer Ministries, is the workshop leader.  Cost of the workshop is $5 per person, or $35 per person for groups of three or more from the same congregation.  To register, please send your check along with your name, contact information  and church name to Diocese of WV , PO Box 5400, Charleston, WV 25361.  Note ‘Evangelism Workshop’ in the memo line.

Peterkin Work Weekend – Hold the dateds of May  13 – 15, 2016 for the Peterkin Work Weekend.  More information will be available soon.

St. Anne’s  – The last St. Anne’s meeting fefore the fall will be held on Tuesday, April 19th at 1:30 pm at the home of Paula Sellers in Belpre.